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3 December 2013

L.G.R and Avish Khebrehzadeh in collaboration with Elisabetta Cipriani Gallery have created 3 limited edition Reunion sunglasses, enriched with details in different precious materials. Featuring bejewelled insects and reptile motifs of artist Avish Khebrehzadeh, a total of 75 numbered and signed pieces were handmade for this unique collaboration and are currently on sale at FRIEZE; London’s Contemporary Art Fair.

For Avish, L.G.R’s sunglasses are a mask and facial ornament. She aptly refers to each of the 3 sunglasses as Maskhara and has named them : Maskhara with Dragonfly, Maskhara with Butterflies and Maskhara with Lizard and Cricket. Masks are a central element of Avish’s more recent works, being in essence a study of conditions, behaviours or gestures through which the individual either conceals the true self or projects an alternative self. “Our life is a mask, even to ourselves. It is neither visible nor tangible, it is simply there. We mock, ridicule, transform our masks as we come upon others” – Avish Khebrehzadeh
